
菲律宾十大彩票平台学院自1922年起颁发冶金工程学位. Build upon our century of metallurgical and materials science expertise with a program that has a great track record of career opportunities and graduate placement.


Career opportunities and placement for graduate students in Metallurgical Engineering have been excellent. Companies who have hired our graduate students in recent years include Pegasus Gold; Kaiser Aluminum; Stillwater Mining Co.; Placer Dome U.S., Inc.; Newmont Gold Co.; American Barrick Resources Corp.; Santa Fe Pacific Gold Corp.; ASARCO, Inc.; Phelps Dodge Corp.; AMAX Gold, Inc.; Magma Metals Co., and the USBM.


研究生研究可以在三个集中领域中的任何一个领域进行. 选矿工程 deals with the extraction, separation, and concentration of minerals from raw ores. Extractive Metallurgy focuses on refining processes, such as pyrometallurgy, hydrometallurgy, and electrometallurgy, 浓缩物通过它被提炼成纯金属. Materials Science emphasizes the study of physical and chemical properties associated with metals, ceramics, glasses, plastics, and slag.


Our labs help metallurgical engineering graduate students conduct research that makes an impact. 使用最先进的分析、实验室和现场设备. You’ll have access to instruments in for your metallurgical engineering research and opportunities to work one-on-one with faculty.


Receive even more hands-on experience through a variety of metallurgical engineering internships in many employment areas, 比如工程咨询, biomaterials, or aerospace. 作为一名急需的冶金工程专业学生, 你可以在你感兴趣的领域选择最好的实习机会.

Outstanding Location

同时攻读材料科学与工程的研究生学位, you’ll also have countless opportunities to enjoy Montana’s great outdoors both in and around Butte as well as across the state. Butte拥有通往几个滑雪山的通道, 温泉和大量的露营, hiking, road and biking locations.

5th Year Master’s

Qualified Montana Tech undergraduates have the opportunity to receive an accelerated MS degree by getting a jump start on required graduate coursework. Careful design to include qualifying graduate-level coursework into the undergraduate curriculum will lead to an accelerated MS degree.

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See why students have studied metallurgy and materials science at Montana Tech for a century.


Metallurgical and Materials Engineering is a diverse and interesting specialty that impacts nearly every facet of our economy. It applies chemistry, 利用物理和数学来回收和处理废物, 将矿物分离成精矿, 生产和提纯金属, 将金属加工成产品, creating materials, 将材料连接在一起.

Metallurgical and Materials Engineering students learn the wonders of innovation and how materials can be manipulated to meet modern demand through a series of labs. 作为菲律宾十大彩票平台学院实验室的“遗产项目”之一,” students reinforce theoretical concepts through “hands-on” experiential learning in laboratories that emphasize practical, industry-based exercises.

A Metallurgical and Materials Engineering degree leads to high-paying jobs in a broad spectrum of fields.


Metallurgical/Mineral Processing graduates work with all aspects of metal and non-metal processing and manufacturing. Mineral processing engineers have the responsibility of accepting ore mined from the earth, 将矿石粉碎,直到矿石被释放, 然后以精矿的形式除去有价值的矿物质. Extractive metallurgical engineers extract the valuable metals from the concentrates, 用水化学或热化学除去金属中的杂质, 然后将提纯后的金属作为商品出售. Physical metallurgical engineers accept various purified metals and alloy them to control a number of characteristics including strength and corrosion resistance. Materials engineers control the same characteristics but pertaining to plastics, composites, glasses, ceramics, etc.

20 innovative labs on campus
High Starting Salaries


M.S. degrees in Metallurgical/选矿工程 can be obtained by two options. Option A, the thesis option, requires 20 course credits, 8 thesis credits, and 3 seminar credits. Option B, the non-thesis option, requires 34 course credits and 3 seminar credits. Curricular programs will be established by the student and the graduate advisor in consultation with the graduate advisory committee. 学生必须表现出口头和书面交流的能力, advanced mathematics, and use of computers.

鼓励校外研究. The degree requirements are the same as those described above for in-house research thesis projects. This allows students to pursue a thesis research project at their place of employment.

Program Faculty


Advisory Board


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Related Programs
Materials Science, Ph.D.

通过获得博士学位成为材料科学方面的专家.D. 菲律宾十大彩票平台大学参加了材料科学博士学位.D. 与蒙大拿州立大学合作的项目.

Rock formation in Butte, MT

Earn your Ph.D. in Earth Science and Engineering and take advantage of Montana Tech’s and Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology’s distinctive strengths.


为学生在包括航空航天在内的材料相关领域的职业生涯做好准备, biomaterials, chemicals, electronic materials, energy, and metals.

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Dr. Jerome Downey