Submitted by the DEI Committee at 蒙大拿技术 regarding Native American Heritage Month 

蒙大拿技术 Statement in regards to Native American Heritage Month

蒙大拿技术, situated in the heart of this culturally diverse and historically significant state, acknowledges its roots in the following land acknowledgment statement:

"The lands on which 菲律宾十大彩票平台大学 stands are an integral part of the ancient homeland and traditional territory of numerous Indigenous tribes. These lands have served as hunting grounds, travel routes, trade hubs, and healing spaces. We collectively recognize the Niimiipuu (Nez Perce), Piikani(黑腿), Seliš(赛利希语), and Agai-deka (Shoshone) peoples as the original stewards of this land. 通过此致谢, we not only pay respect and 荣誉 to the Nations and Peoples but also to the very land itself. 这样做的时候, we affirm Indigenous sovereignty and commit to serving the needs of American Indian and Indigenous peoples today and into the future."

This is a time for all 蒙大拿ns and everyone at 蒙大拿技术 to come together in a spirit of unity and understanding, 学习土著文化的智慧, and to appreciate the deep-rooted history that continues to shape this remarkable state.

整个月, 我们聚在一起庆祝, 荣誉, and pay tribute to the profound legacy of our Native American ancestors, 我们长辈的智慧, 我们青年的抱负, and the sacred traditions that have been passed down through generations.

蒙大拿, is a state of stunning landscapes and breathtaking natural beauty, it is also home to twelve federally recognized Tribal nations, 每个国家都有自己独特的文化和历史. 这些部落国家是:

  • Apsaalooke(乌鸦)
  • Notameohmésêhese(北夏延)
  • Oceti Sakowin(七次议会火灾)
  • 亚尼伊(格罗斯文特)
  • Nakota(阿)
  • Ojibway或Ojibwe(齐佩瓦语)
  • Ojibwe(小贝壳奇佩瓦语)
  • Nehinaw(克里语)
  • Niitsitapi(黑腿)
  • Seliš(赛利希语)
  • Ktunaxa(库特奈)
  • Q' lispise (Pend d'Oreille)

让我们缅怀过去,拥抱未来, working together to build a stronger and more inclusive 蒙大拿 that respects and values the Indigenous heritage that enriches our great state and the diverse 文化s that make up the mosaic of the United States. 这样做的时候, 我们认识到历史, 文化, and traditions of Native Americans and Indigenous peoples are not confined to a single month but are an integral and enduring part of our collective identity.

For additional information concerning 蒙大拿’s Tribal 历史, members of the Tech Community are encouraged to review the following additional sources:

 “American Indian and Indigenous Peoples Resources” by 蒙大拿 State University

“Essential Understandings Regarding 蒙大拿 Indians”

“American Indian vs Native American: Which Should You Use?”