
欢迎家长、监护人和家庭成员! We welcome your involvement in your student's college selection journey and have included a number of resources for you below. Please feel free to contact us directly if you have any questions.

Incoming Student Resources
First-Year Admissions

If your goal is to have your prospective first-year student do most of the heavy lifting in the application and enrollment processes, 这是与他们分享的最佳链接. This page will guide them through the process and answer their questions along the way.

Aid & Scholarships

Whether your student will qualify for grants and scholarships depends on your family income and your student's academic record. 我们也为继续学习的学生提供很多奖学金. 所以即使他们的高中成绩不是很好, they'll still have opportunities to earn scholarships after freshman year.


所有非本地一年级学生必须住在校园内. Montana Tech's three residence halls each offer a safe and secure on-campus living experience, and our recently-renovated dining hall offers a variety of healthy and delicious meal options.

Visit Us!

来看看你的学生将在哪里学习. 和一名在读学生一起参观我们风景优美的校园, meet with faculty, 然后回答你所有的入学问题. 别忘了问一下免费住宿的事!


If you want to communicate with University officials or personnel about your student’s account balance, admissions status, grades, or housing arrangements, 学生首先需要填写并提交一份 FERPA release form.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records.

“教育记录”就是“那些记录”, files documents, and other materials which 1) contain information directly related to a student; and 2) are maintained by an educational institution. (20 U.S.C. § 1232g(a)(4)(A); 34 CFR § 99.3).

FERPA applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.

Generally speaking, FERPA allows Montana Tech to only disclose a student's education records or personally identifiable information from education records, 甚至是学生的父母或监护人,在下列情况下:

  • 如果学生未满18岁
  • 在学生书面同意的情况下
  • 如果披露符合其中一项法定豁免
  • if the disclosure is directory information and the student has not placed a hold on the release of directory information.
    • Montana Tech defines the following information as public (directory) information:
      - Name
      - Dates of attendance
      - Class Level
      - Most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student
      - Weight and height, if the student is a member of an intercollegiate athletic team

FERPA发布表格可通过电子邮件发送至 admissions@withers-web.net and must be emailed from the student's official Montana Tech email account (@withers-web.net). 

  • 你录取的学生可以使用这个 online resource guide to access their @withers-web.net email account.
  • If your student has not yet applied and been accepted to Montana Tech, they will not have an official Montana Tech email address and are not yet covered by FERPA.
Parent & Guardian Resources

如果你的学生已经申请入学, 然后他们有一个菲律宾十大彩票平台大学的PURL(个人网址), 有时被称为学生门户. 

入学申请, housing application, scholarship applications, enrollment checklist, 以及许多其他资源只能在其PURL上获得. Most items on the PURL are password protected to keep your student's information secure. 

If your student does not know their PURL address, please navigate to http://iam.withers-web.net/inquiryform 然后输入他们的电子邮件地址. 系统会将您重定向到PURL. 

Please contact the Admissions office if you have difficulties or questions: 

Phone: 406-496-4791
Email: admissions@withers-web.net


FAFSA Code: 002531


先到先得. Apply early!



Fall Orientation: Mid-August

Counseling Services

Health Services

Butte Silver Bow Transit offers free bus service to campus once per hour, Monday-Friday, 7:28 a.m. to 5:29 p.m. 

在校园里停车需要一个 parking pass

Campus Safety

Family Weekend

Every fall, 菲律宾十大彩票平台学院举办家庭周末, where families of students are invited to come to campus and explore Tech, Butte and Western Montana! Do you enjoy hiking? Bring your boots! Are you a history buff? We'll have tours of Butte. Bond with your student, 了解更多关于他们在理工学院的教育, 在蒙大拿州西南部安家.


Explore our programs! 从九个不同的工程学位毕业, nursing, sciences, 以及我们主校区的放射技术业务, trades, 和高地的网络安全, 菲律宾十大彩票平台学院提供了几十个热门领域的专业.

AP/CLEP/IB credit

你想知道AP/CLEP/IB学分如何转移吗? We perform transfer credit evaluations by request, but we also have a list available.

Dual Enrollment

Learn how your students can earn college credit while in high school. This is a popular program for students who want to get a jumpstart on college.

Virtual Tour!

汽油和飞机票都很贵. 如果你想探索我们的实验室, classrooms, dining and housing, without coming to campus, we've got you covered.

Butte- An Outdoor Paradise

Montana Tech is located in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, along the Continental Divide. The famous Big Hole River, just 30 minutes from campus, beckons to anglers and floaters. 探索滑雪场位于一个小时的路程, 距离校园几分钟路程,有很多越野选择.

Connect with Us.


(406) 496-4791