As of January 1, 2021, Montana state law allows certain marijuana-related activities, such as limited recreational use and possession. However, 新通过的法律明确禁止“以学区拥有或租赁的任何财产为理由”“拥有或消费大麻或拥有大麻用具”, a public or private preschool, school, or post-secondary school as defined in 20-5-402.” See § 16(1)(g)(i), MCA.

As an educational institution that receives federal funds, 蒙大拿州理工大学必须遵守联邦安全无毒学校和社区法案以及无毒工作场所法案. 遵守这些联邦法案要求我们禁止使用, possession, and distribution of all federally controlled substances, including marijuana. Consequently, 大学政策和菲律宾十大彩票平台大学学生行为准则将继续禁止此类活动. Montana Tech policy prohibits students, employees, and visitors from possessing, using, 或者在校园或其他设施以任何形式分发大麻, 包括在宿舍和任何校内或校外的大学活动期间. 

这些政策可以在菲律宾十大彩票平台大学找到 Student Handbook, Faculty/Staff Handbook, and Residence Life Handbook. 如果你对蒙大拿州的新法律或任何其他话题有任何问题,因为它与菲律宾十大彩票平台大学的酒精和毒品政策有关, please do not hesitate to email me at

MTU students and employees should understand that possessing, 禁止在校园和学校活动期间以任何形式使用或销售大麻. 根据蒙大拿州的法律,I-190使与大麻有关的某些活动合法化, 然而,I-190明确授权大学——作为学校和雇主——禁止在大学财产上拥有和使用大麻.

In addition, although I-190 passed in Montana, 联邦法律仍然禁止持有和使用大麻. As a federally controlled substance, MTU政策和MTU学生行为准则禁止在校园内使用和持有大麻.

Use and Possession of Marijuana is Prohibited on Campus

Montana law may allow certain marijuana related activities, 比如有限的医用大麻使用和其他娱乐性的使用和持有. 然而,根据联邦法律,使用和持有任何形式的大麻仍然是犯罪. At the federal level, 《菲律宾十大彩票平台》将种植和使用大麻定为犯罪, 联邦执法机构可以起诉大麻使用者和种植者,这一点已经得到了很好的解决. As a controlled substance, 使用和持有大麻也是学生行为准则所禁止的,在校园内是不允许的. In addition to being a federal offense under the act, 联邦法律限制在工作场所和校园使用医用大麻, 例如联邦《十大可靠彩票平台》和联邦《十大可靠彩票平台》. 这些联邦法律要求大学禁止在校园内使用大麻.

MTU Students

Using or possessing marijuana in any form, including without limitation tinctures, edibles and topicals, is prohibited by the MTU Student Conduct Code, 使用或持有大麻的学生将受到纪律处分. 整个校园都禁止使用或持有大麻, including all open areas and buildings, such as the residence and dining halls. MTU没有被要求允许——事实上是受到禁止在宿舍或校园内医疗或娱乐使用大麻的肯定义务的约束, because marijuana is illegal under federal law. 蒙大拿科技大学将继续在全校范围内实施大麻禁令.

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